Mike Hoolboom: Imitations of Life 2003











„Major essay filmmaking from Canada’s Hoolboom, quite the equal to fellow Canadian Peter Mettler in the depth and range of his poetic, personal and philosophical mixed-media enquiries. An ambient assembly of diverse footages, from ads to classic clips, home movies to video diaries. Imitations explores the compulsion to document reality and the fissure between image and experience. Following the early childhood of his nephew Jack, Hoolboom delivers a profound, elegiac but often wryly humorous enquiry into the role of representation in the contemporary mindset. The presiding tone might be Markersque but the voice is Hoolboom’s own, melancholy, moving and committed. It all adds up to a poetic, persuasive evaluation of the disquieting new world we are making, and the attendant disappearances along that road.“ (Time Out, London)

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